People tend to get lazy coz cleaning your beauty tools is a tedious process and I felt the same way to. I've tried cleaning them with proper brush cleansers, antibacterial brush sprays, antibacterial soaps, baby shampoo, you name it but they weren't good enough for me somehow. So I'm beyonddd glad I finally found something that cleans my stuff thoroughly and quickly and it came in the mail today at work!
This Solid Cleanser by Beauty Blender. I mean ofcourse it cleans the Beauty Blender like absolutely NOTHING else but it works super well with brushes too?!(too much, just too much haha) I dont know what they put inside this stuff but thank god I discovered it! With all the foundation and concealers I used, this thing takes off any trace of makeup on my black Beauty Blender which is ahmazinggg. Also it won't ruin the texture of your brushes whatsoever.
I bought this in a set with my Beauty Blender which is RM120 for both from Luxola. But recently Luxola lets you buy this separately for RM72 which is good coz my Beauty Blender is still as good as new but my cleanser ran out so I went ahead and got it.
Be clean, Go try! xx